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Benefits of Mushrooms

Human Health

Mental Health and Medicinal Properties

  • immunity and wellness

  • reduction of cholesterol, balancing of insulin production, blood pressure regulation

  • anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants

  • brain function booster

  • digestion support

  • cancer fighting

  • anxiety lowering

  • helps treat PTSD

  • vitamin B & D

  • alleviates depression symptoms


Committed to Quality

This is a process of using mycelium to remediate toxins on this planet. As our waste issues grow in both quantity and quality, developing a variety of solutions is important. Mycoremediation is slowly becoming one of those solutions. Fungi like Pleurotus, Aspergillus, Trichoderma can be allies in breaking down plastics, petrochemicals, pesticides, and organic matter. With the growth of small scale mushroom farms around the country, the amount of mycelial biomass available to any one location is expanding rapidly. Learning to apply this “waste” mycelium
in a remediation setting would allow local solutions to toxic problems. It should be noted that goals for mycoremediation should not be mixed with production of edible or medicinal products, though the spawn production sector can address all these opportunities at once.

About copy: Services



It only takes 24 hours for a mushroom to double in size



Mushrooms are made up of 90% water



Many mushrooms be made from only 1 sqft of space



Just in North America there are 3,000 varieties of mushrooms.

Facts & Figures

About copy: Infographics
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